The first EASA competitions started in the UAE

The 1st International Skydiving 16-way Double-Event is#nbsp;the first ever hybrid skydiving event organized under the auspices of#nbsp;EASA (Eurasian Skydiving Association).
The event will be#nbsp;held in#nbsp;Abu Dhabi and Dubai from January 15th to#nbsp;28th. 16-way teams from 5 countries will take part in#nbsp;the competition: the Republic of#nbsp;Belarus, the Republic of#nbsp;Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates, the United States of#nbsp;America (the USA participates only in#nbsp;the windtunnel part of#nbsp;the competition).
The competition is#nbsp;called hybrid because of#nbsp;its unique feature: combining flying in#nbsp;a#nbsp;windtunnel and jumping in#nbsp;the sky. First, the athletes will fly 8 rounds in#nbsp;the CLYMB Wind Tunnel#nbsp;— the largest in#nbsp;the world, and then they will jump 5 rounds at#nbsp;the#nbsp;DZ Skydive Dubai Desert (Dubai) and#nbsp;DZ Abu Dhabi Skydive (Abu Dhabi).
The results of#nbsp;the competition will be#nbsp;announced on#nbsp;January 25#nbsp;— at#nbsp;the official awarding ceremony, the winners will be#nbsp;awarded with cups and medals.
The official partner of#nbsp;the event is#nbsp;H1 Strategic Relations Management Abu Dhabi (H1).
2024-01-15 12:00