1st International Skydiving 16-way Double-Event has ended

The 1st International Skydiving 16-way Double-Event#nbsp;— the first ever hybrid skydiving event organized under the auspices of#nbsp;EASA (Eurasian Skydiving Association), which took place in#nbsp;Abu Dhabi and Dubai from January 15 to#nbsp;28, ended at#nbsp;the weekend. 16-way teams participated in#nbsp;the competition.
This event is#nbsp;unique and the first in#nbsp;the history of#nbsp;skydiving to#nbsp;be#nbsp;held in#nbsp;such a#nbsp;hybrid format: flights and jumps have never been combined under the auspices of#nbsp;one event before. Usually such competitions are held separately, and different competitors may be#nbsp;the leaders in#nbsp;them, even if#nbsp;the disciplines are identical.
According to#nbsp;representatives of#nbsp;EASA, the organizers of#nbsp;the event, the event will be#nbsp;held on#nbsp;an#nbsp;annual basis.
Teams from five countries took part in#nbsp;the competition: Russia, the Republic of#nbsp;Belarus, Kazakhstan, the UAE and the USA. Team from Russia won an#nbsp;absolute victory, taking first place both in#nbsp;the overall and in#nbsp;each of#nbsp;the stages of#nbsp;the competition: wind tunnel and jump parts of#nbsp;the event.
The event was held under the auspices of#nbsp;the Eurasian Skydiving Association (EASA), an#nbsp;international organization created with the help and support of#nbsp;the Federation of#nbsp;parachute sport of#nbsp;Russia in#nbsp;2023 to#nbsp;strengthen and develop international relations in#nbsp;skydiving. EASA is#nbsp;an#nbsp;open organization and aims to#nbsp;unite countries and athletes from all continents.
EASA President#nbsp;— Andrey Barabash, who is#nbsp;also the President of#nbsp;the Federation of#nbsp;parachute sport of#nbsp;Russia and a#nbsp;current skydiver competing in#nbsp;the 8—way and 16-way teams:
"We held this event in#nbsp;the so-called test format. It#nbsp;was important for us#nbsp;to#nbsp;show the international community that we#nbsp;are open to#nbsp;any interaction and want sport to#nbsp;remain exclusively a#nbsp;sport: honest, friendly, competitive and unifying.

EASA is#nbsp;not going against anyone, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;moving in#nbsp;parallel. And next year we#nbsp;are convinced that even more countries will join this event. In#nbsp;addition, we#nbsp;plan to#nbsp;expand the sports program and hold competitions in#nbsp;several more disciplines within the framework of#nbsp;one competition. So#nbsp;next year we#nbsp;are waiting for the expansion of#nbsp;the participants!"
The official partner of#nbsp;the event is#nbsp;H1 Strategic Relations Management Abu Dhabi (H1).
2024-01-26 12:00